Gas Patio Heater; included in the price of a single charge of gas
Lighting for marquees and tents- strip lighting or a simple - globe lighting
Wooden floors for marquees and tents with a common Area 800 square meters
Round tables with a diameter of 1.8 meters
Round tables with a diameter of 1.6 meters
Rectangular tables with size 1.8 meters x 0.8 meters
Rectangular tables with size 2 meters x 1 meters
Cocktail tables
Cocktail tables with a diameter of 0.6 meters
PVC chairs without armrests - white
Chair cover
Chair cover for PVC chairs without armrests - white and black
Cover of spandex for a cocktail table - white and black
Cover of spandex for a table of size 1.8 meters x 0.8 meters - black and white
Tablecloths for round tables with a diameter of 1.8 meters - white and burgundy
Tablecloths for round tables with a diameter of 1.6 meters - white and burgundy
Tablecloths for square tables with a size 1.8 meters x 0.8 meters - white
Tablecloths for square tables with a size 2 meters x 1 meters - white
Карета с размери 1,5м х 1,5 метра - бели, черни, лилави, бордо, оранжеви, тъмно сини
Панделки за столовете - бордо, лилаво, тъмно синьо
Стъклени чаши за алкохол, безалкохолно, бяло и червено вино, бира, шампанско
Метални прибори - вилица са салата, предястие,основно и десерт, нож за салата, предястие и основно
Порцеланови чинии са салата, предястие, основно и десерт. Порцеланови плата за хапки
Топли системи "бенмари", гел за погряване, щипки за сервиране
Оливерници, пепелници, шампаниери и ледарки
In our site the prices of marquees, tents and equipment are not mentioned because of the high tolerance to the requirements, dimensions and quantities.