Парти Тент | Шатри, тенти, оборудване под наем
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Gas Patio Heater; included in the price of a single charge of gas


Lighting for marquees and tents- strip lighting or a simple - globe lighting


Wooden floors for marquees and tents with a common Area 800 square meters


  • Round tables with a diameter of 1.8 meters
  • Round tables with a diameter of 1.6 meters
  • Rectangular tables with size 1.8 meters x 0.8 meters
  • Rectangular tables with size 2 meters x 1 meters
  • Cocktail tables
  • Cocktail tables with a diameter of 0.6 meters


PVC chairs without armrests - white

Chair cover

  • Chair cover for PVC chairs without armrests - white and black
  • Cover of spandex for a cocktail table - white and black
  • Cover of spandex for a table of size 1.8 meters x 0.8 meters - black and white


  • Tablecloths for round tables with a diameter of 1.8 meters - white and burgundy
  • Tablecloths for round tables with a diameter of 1.6 meters - white and burgundy
  • Tablecloths for square tables with a size 1.8 meters x 0.8 meters - white
  • Tablecloths for square tables with a size 2 meters x 1 meters - white


Карета с размери 1,5м х 1,5 метра - бели, черни, лилави, бордо, оранжеви, тъмно сини


Панделки за столовете - бордо, лилаво, тъмно синьо


  • Стъклени чаши за алкохол, безалкохолно, бяло и червено вино, бира, шампанско
  • Метални прибори - вилица са салата, предястие,основно и десерт, нож за салата, предястие и основно
  • Порцеланови чинии са салата, предястие, основно и десерт. Порцеланови плата за хапки
  • Топли системи "бенмари", гел за погряване, щипки за сервиране
  • Оливерници, пепелници, шампаниери и ледарки

In our site the prices of marquees, tents and equipment are not mentioned because of the high tolerance to the requirements, dimensions and quantities.

Equipment for rent Inquiry equipment for rent

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